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Earlier Releases of TN3270 Plus

TN3270 Plus has been enhanced so that a License Code valid for a particular release (for example release 3.2) will also work on the next release (for example 3.3).

So if you have a License Code for the immediately prior version you can just download the current version from and apply your License Code when you start it.

Releases more than one release prior to the current release are not supported, so if you need a replacement for any version older than that you need to order an update to the current version.

Windows HLLAPI

The following downloads are available to aid you with your Windows HLLAPI (WinHLLAPI) development:

Sample programs:

Language Program Download Page
C++ WinHLLAPI C++ sample program
C# .Net WinHLLAPI C# .Net sample program
VB .Net WinHLLAPI Visual Basic .Net sample program
VB .Net (A sample Visual Basic .NET program written by one of our customers.)
VB (A sample Visual Basic program written by one of our customers.)

The WinHLLAPI version 1.1 technical specification in Microsoft Word and Windows HTML help file formats:


The following download is available to aid you with your DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) development.

A sample Visual C++ MFC DDE client program.

To run the sample program.

  1. Unzip the attached file.
  2. Start TN3270 Plus and connect a session.
  3. Run \Vcpp32\DDE3270\release\DDE3270.exe.
  4. Open the DDE3270 File menu and select New.
  5. Open the DDE3270 Function menu and select Connect.
    In the parameter dialog box specify:
    String1   String 2
    TN3270   session_name
    is the name of the TN3270 Plus session you want to connect to.
  6. Open the DDE3270 Function menu and select Disconnect to terminate the DDE connection.

Here are some example of functions you can execute from the DDE3270 function menu along with the parameters that need to be entered into the parameter dialog box.

Description Function String1 String2
Connect DDE Connect TN3270 session_name
Get cursor position Request cursor  
Get number of columns Request columns  
Send the enter key Poke Keystroke  @E
Send the PA2 key  Poke Keystroke @y




Additional Color Schemes

Those of you that prefer a white background instead of the default black background may download white background color schemes. 

3270 White Background
5250 White Background
VT100 White Background

To install the new color scheme:

  1. Download the color scheme to your PC.
  2. Unzip the color scheme into the TN3270 Plus directory. 
  3. Start TN3270 Plus and select the color scheme for your session (Setup, Colors, Color Scheme drop down list box.)
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